Take some time out and read these beautiful words carefully. Later, reflect on what you have just read. Surely you will understand a lot of things…
5. Second Lesson 第二課 :
On a rainy, tempestuous night a “coloured” woman was standing on the roadside.Her car had broken down and she desperately needed help. Wet to her core, she signalled to the passers by.
6. A white young man, as if unaware of the racial conflicts that tore apart America in the 60s, stopped to help her.
He conducted her to a safe place, called a mechanic and hailed a taxi for her. The woman seemed too much in a hurry, but did not forget to thank him and take down his address on a piece of paper.
7. Seven days had already passed when someone knocked at the door of the young man.To his enormous surprise, it was a courier with a huge packet to deliver a big colour TV along with a note: “Many thanks for helping me on the road that night.
七天後,有人來找該年輕男子。出乎他的意料,是來給他送包裹的 一台大彩色電視﹗隨附的卡片上寫道︰“非常感謝您那天晚上的幫忙﹗
8. The rain had completely drenched me and my soul when you appeared. Thanks to you I was able to reach my dying husband just in time.God bless you for having helped me.Sincerely,Mrs. King Cole"
If you are able to read this message, you have just received a double blessing…one, someone is thinking about you… two, you are not one of those 2000,000,000 people who are illiterate!
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