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60. 馬鈴薯鮮汁療法 (The Amazing Potato Juice) 61. 打嗝放屁去濁氣 Burping/Farting Is Healthy 62. 每天大笑不會老 Laugh to keep healthy - New 63. 生活常識小秘密 Little secrets in daily life 64. 靈芝治「未病」 (Lingzhi's [Ganoderma] effects) 65. 素食不正確更糟 (Vegetarian's Mistakes) 66. 增強記憶力食物 Upd Top 10 Memory Boosters 67. 栗子是[腎之果] Chestnuts good for elders 68. 糖尿病飲食和食療 (Diabetes helpful diets) 69. 熱門健康食物排行 Healthy Food Ranking New 70. 過量糖份危害健康 Sugar can ruin your health 71. 睡眠的正確姿勢 Proper Sleeping Position 72. 減壓運動最好 Exercise to relieve stress 73. 改觀的不良食物 (Junk Food Re-assesment) 74. 快餐店膳食選擇 Choosing Fast Food | 75. 20 種抑癌的蔬菜 Best anti-cancer vegetables 76. 珍珠奶茶健康隱患 Health risks of bubble tea 77. 如何維護腸道健康 Intestines Health Care 78. 五杯熱水完全排毒 Drink hot water to detoxify 79. 心肌梗塞小提要 Myocardial infarction tips 80. 被忽略的癌症狀 Ignored cancer symptoms 81. 藥補不如食補 Food as medicine 82. 醋豬腳護顏補身 Trotters rich in collagen 83. 保青春﹑防蒼老 Keep young or keep aging 84. 暴殮營養之天物 Wasted Treasures of Food 85. 避免洗腎的秘方 A dialysis patient's story - 86. 日用品治療用途 Useful Household Items 87. 烤蕃薯具強藥效 (Baked sweet potatoes) 88. 平穩降血脂食物 8 Lipid-lowering foods 89. 專家推薦長壽食品 Top 10 food for longivity | 90. 夏天運動提防中暑 Beware of Heat Stroke 91. 食物之糖份含量 Food sugar content 92. 白蘿蔔食療功效 Radish's Health Benefit 93. 3低1高的健康飲食 The 3L1H healthy diet 94. 使癌細胞多休眠 Make cancer cells sleep 95. 人生哲學50課 The 50 Life Lessons 96. 老中醫點評水果 Herbalists' view on fruits 97. 有助減肥的良食 Foods help cutting fats 98. 睡覺的訣竅 The Knowledge of Sleeping 99. 有損大腦的陋習 Brain Damaging Habbits 100. 損肝的主要原因 Liver damage causes 101. 五大致癌的食物 Top 5 cancer-causing foods 102. 薑的好處多得很 The Benefits of Ginger 103. 楊桃可毒害腎病人 Star Fruit Can Be Poisonous 104. 五樣好東西 Five Good Things | 105. 常見的骨痛常識 Common bone problems 106. 三大抗骨鬆高手 Calcium rich vegetables 107. 美麗人生的秘訣 The best is yet to come 108. 金針菇的抗癌作用 The use of golden mushroom 109. 骨刺不吃藥能治好 Simple appoach for bone spurs 110. 有關 Omega-3 的常識 The "Scoop" on Omega-3's 111. 餐後不應即吃水果 DR. OZ on eating fruits 112. 與健康相約 Ways to Wellness 113. 赤腳著地有助健康 Barefoot helps with health 114. 請您重視維生素B2 New The importance of vitamin B2 |